The Origins of Carbonated Beverages

The history of carbonated drinks dates back to the discovery of natural mineral springs with carbonated water that were believed to have medicinal properties. These springs were sought after by health enthusiasts in the 18th and 19th centuries. It wasn’t until the late 1700s that British chemist Joseph Priestley discovered a method of artificially carbonating water by dissolving carbon dioxide gas in it, leading to the commercial production of carbonated water and the birth of the soda industry.


The Emergence of Carbonated Soft Drinks

In 1767, Joseph Schweppe developed a method for mass-producing carbonated water, marking the creation of the first carbonated soft drink. By 1783, Schweppe was selling carbonated water, which quickly became a popular beverage. However, it wasn’t until the early 1900s that the word “fizzy” was coined to describe the sensation of carbonation in a beverage, appearing first in a 1905 issue of the “New York Tribune.”


The Popularity of Fizzy Drinks

Over the next few decades, the term “fizzy” became widely used to describe carbonated beverages, particularly in the United Kingdom. The 1950s and 60s saw the soda industry explode in popularity, with brands such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola marketing their products with catchy slogans and jingles that emphasized the “fizz” and refreshing sensation of carbonation. Today, the word “fizzy” is still commonly used worldwide to describe carbonated drinks.



The word “fizzy” has become an essential part of our vocabulary, often used to describe the refreshing sensation of carbonation in a beverage. Its origins are closely related to the history of carbonated drinks, which have been enjoyed for centuries. From the discovery of natural mineral springs to the creation of mass-produced carbonated water, and the birth of the soda industry, the evolution of carbonated beverages has been a significant aspect of human history.